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Open Access Publications from the University of California

AICRJ Support

Moving to Open Access is one of those benchmark moment for a publication. Our content is now available to readers without expensive subscriptions and paywalls. Making Indigenous content accessible to the people often less able to pay subscription rates has been an important goal of ours. But how to move from subscription income to zero subscriptions is not an easy problem to address. We have teamed with Lyrasis to help ensure that our journal is able to continue paying our limited editorial staff and operating costs.

AICRJ publishes quality research by, for, and with American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and other Indigenous Peoples and their various communities—whether they are nations, tribes, townships, villages, or islands. The journal is positioned to have a unique vantage point and perspective that focuses on community in its multiple meanings.

AICRJ is seeking $32,250/year for five years through OACIP. Production costs an average of $60,000 per year, $30,000 of which the journal has secured from UCLA, their home institution.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impact

AICRJ has been the primary voice in revealing, elevating, and educating others about research conducted by, for, and with American Indians and various other educators and scholars for many decades. They continue to position the journal to have a unique vantage point and perspective that focuses on community in its multiple meanings.

First, they seek research related to Indigenous peoples’ communities that addresses practical, theoretical, historical, environmental, and/or legal aspects of an issue.

Second, they strive to create a community of scholars by creating journal space for discussions, dialogue, extensions and applications of existing research across subject areas, disciplines, and communities. They aim to engage scholars in novel ways that improve insight, collaboration and equity in research.

UCLA’s American Indian Studies Center is housed in the UCLA Institute of American Culture, which also includes Asian American Studies Center, the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies and the Chicano Studies Research Center. As a result, AICRJ is part of a broader ethnic studies and intersectional scholarly environment that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion at UCLA and beyond.

To learn more about how to join our support community, please visit HERE.

Our Support Community

We are whole-heartedly thankful for the institutions and their people who have stepped up to assist our move to open access. We look forward to soon hosting events on Zoom where our supporters can be special invitees.  If you are interested in learning more about our work and our supporters, be sure to follow our social media accounts where we weekly post our gratitude for new supporters. We update this list monthly. 

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Virtual Library of Virginia

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