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Open Access Publications from the University of California

About react/review: a responsive journal for art & architecture

react/review is an annual peer-reviewed responsive journal dedicated to research by emerging scholars in art and architectural history and related fields. Affiliated with the Department of the History of Art & Architecture at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the journal is produced by graduate students and early career contingent scholars from across the UC system. Every other issue takes its theme from the biennial spring symposium organized by UCSB Art History graduate students. Conference presenters who deliver outstanding papers are then invited to contribute feature articles, subject to peer review, to an upcoming issue. In keeping with the discursive spirit promoted by the symposium, react/review is a responsive journal in which feature articles are followed by brief critical responses by editors. This dynamic format aims to engage our readers and develop conversations that began at the symposium. During years that do not correspond with the symposium, react/review releases an open call for its “special issues,” starting with Volume 5. The themes for these special issues are decided on by the journal’s co-managing editors. 

In addition to commissioned feature articles, react/review is open to unsolicited submissions for feature articles, spotlight articles, exhibition reviews, and book reviews. A CFP is distributed every spring. Feature articles are akin to a research essay. Spotlight articles are open-ended, short-form contributions that discuss new research findings, speculate on pressing research questions, or address methodological issues encountered in fieldwork or archival research. We also invite short pieces reviewing recent exhibitions or publications related to the theme of the current issue.